Employee Management

Employee Management in an HR system refers to the comprehensive process of handling employee-related data, tasks, and operations from recruitment through retirement. This functionality allows HR departments and management teams to effectively manage all aspects of employee life cycles.

Role Management

Role Management is a crucial aspect of any system that involves user access, allowing organizations to define, assign, and manage roles and permissions for individuals or groups. It ensures that users have access only to the features and data relevant to their responsibilities.

Our Features

Role Management Key Features

Role Creation and Customization
Ability to create roles with specific names, descriptions, and associated responsibilities. Roles can be tailored to different positions.
Permission Assignment
Granular control over permissions, allowing administrators to assign or revoke access to specific features, modules, or data.
Role-Based Access Control
Role-based access control (RBAC) where roles determine which sections of the system a user can access, preventing unauthorized actions.
Dynamic Role Adjustment
Flexibility to modify existing roles, adding or removing permissions and responsibilities as needed to reflect changing job functions.

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